Belgian yeast strains | Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider ...
Oct 24, 2024 · I'm just skeptical, I've read that Fermentis don't sell yeast to repackers and I think MJ yeasts generally fit the Lalbrew range. And BE-256 is a pale coloured yeast. As a commercial operation I wouldn't be surprised if they blend partly to keep cost down, and use a cheap bland yeast as a filler to reduce cost, that's one possibility.
Kolsch yeast origins/differences - Homebrew Talk
Jan 6, 2025 · On a whim, I ordered a new yeast from White Labs last month called WLP-4061 “Rhine Kolsch”. Turns out, this “new” yeast is actually a collaboration between White Labs and Yeast Bay, as it appears there may be some cooperative sharing (if not corporate merger) going on between the two companies.
How Many Cells in a Yeast Slurry. Anyone Use This Method?
Feb 16, 2012 · There also is a finite limit to total viable yeast cells that can exist in a ml of yeast slurry. At some point the only way to increase the number of viable yeast cells is to increase the volume of starter wort. It would be wrong to assume that a "60% solids" sample would have 50% more viable yeast cells than a "40% solids" slurry sample.
Homemade Natural Yeast Nutrient Recipe - Homebrew Talk
Jan 19, 2021 · Craft A Brew - Safale WB-06 Dry Yeast - German Wheat Beer Dry Yeast - For Wheat Beers - Ingredients for Home Brewing - Beer Making Supplies - 1 Pack Craft a Brew -14% $664.99 $773.99
Cellar Science English yeast - Homebrew Talk
Nov 15, 2024 · I have a 1.050 nut brown ale currently in the fermenter and am using CS English yeast for the first time. I think it's supposedly the CS version of Safale S-04. Anyway, prior to pitching I re-hydrated one pack, following the instructions, and pitched it 36 hours ago. So far nothing. I have a...
Oxidation before yeast / Fermentation - Homebrew Talk
Dec 5, 2024 · Craft A Brew - LalBrew BRY-97™American West Coast Ale Yeast - American Beer Dry Yeast - For Craft Lagers - Ingredients for Home Brewing - Beer Making Supplies - (1 Pack) Craft a Brew $7.95 FastRack Hydrometer Alcohol 0-200 Proof and Tralle Hydrometer, Alcohol Proof Tester for Liquor, Distilling Moonshine - Alcohol Hydrometer for Proofing ...
What do you like Whitbread yeast for? - Homebrew Talk
Oct 6, 2009 · The substance looks like dry yeast when you toss it into wort – it’s a brownish-yellowish clay-looking clump, except these are very small, crumb-sized pieces. I’d say it looks like infection, except I don’t know what infection looks like.
How to step up yeast starter? - Homebrew Talk
Feb 25, 2014 · The other reason is that I had a bad experience the first and only time I tried cold crashing in the fridge. In that episode, everything was going well until the cold crash. Up until about 12 hours in the fridge the precipitating yeast looked great, pale off-white. But then a dark layer appeared followed by more good looking yeast.
Lager yeast starter - Homebrew Talk
Jul 16, 2006 · A temperature around the low 70s (72°F, 22°C) strikes the best balance for the propagation of yeasts. Lager yeast starters can be kept a few degrees cooler and ale yeasts can be kept a few degrees warmer, but this temperature strikes a good balance of yeast health and efficient propagation for both types of yeast.
When to use US-05 vs. S-04? - Homebrew Talk
Dec 22, 2011 · OK so another necro on this old thread. I'm planning an IRA and I've got the grain bill and hops down to what I'd like it to be. The yeast though... I see a TON of recipes recommending US-05 as the preferred yeast for this beer. It's been pointed out that S-04 might be a better chance, specially because it is supposed to not attenuate that far.