Find a psychologist | BPS
How do I find a psychologist to help me? If you're looking for help or support with a personal problem or a professional challenge you can search our lists and directories to find a psychologist in your area. Please note: the BPS cannot endorse or recommend individual members. It is the ...
What is psychology? | BPS
Why do you think, behave and feel the way you do? How does that affect your memory, the way you communicate and your ability to complete tasks? Psychology - the study of the mind and behaviour – tries to get to the bottom of questions like these. Psychology applies sound scientific methodology to ...
BPS Code of Human Research Ethics
Apr 5, 2021 · The attached document, written by the BPS Working Party on Ethical Guidelines for Psychological Research and updated in April 2021, is designed to clarify the conditions under which psychological research involving humans can take place and to inform the professional and ethical judgement of researchers.
Code of Ethics and Conduct - BPS
Dec 8, 2021 · This Code of Ethics is designed to guide all members of the British Psychological Society in their day-to-day professional conduct.
Directory of Chartered Psychologists | BPS
Visitors to this directory and other specialist registers should note that the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) are the regulator for Practitioner Psychologists in the UK, and anyone using one of the titles listed at hcpc-uk.org must be registered with the HCPC in order to do so. Visitors are advised to check on the HCPC register to check that a …
Career options in psychology | BPS
Research in psychology requires the application of skills and knowledge to develop, test, and analyse hypotheses about human behaviour. Research underpins much of the teaching and practice of psychology as it provides the evidence-base for psychological theory and the effectiveness of treatments, interventions, tests and teaching methods.
Clinical psychologist job profile | BPS
What is a clinical psychologist? Clinical psychologists deal with a wide range of mental and physical health problems including addiction, anxiety, depression, learning difficulties and relationship issues. They may undertake a clinical assessment to investigate a …
Homepage | BPS
Championing psychology since 1901, we represent and promote psychology, psychologists and the wider psychological professions. Our membership is diverse, but we all share a passion for psychology.
BPS qualifications | BPS
The Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology (QiCN) is designed to provide a standard of competence for practice as a Clinical Neuropsychologist that will help you to acquire the underpinning knowledge and demonstrate the essential skills required to work in this field.
Educational psychologist job profile | BPS
Educational psychology is concerned with children and young people in educational and early years settings. Educational psychologists tackle challenges such as learning difficulties, social and emotional problems, issues around disability as …