How to implement video calls in Android? - Stack Overflow
Apr 7, 2011 · I want to implement video call functionality in my application. I didn't found any resource on the internet like any SDK, API which I can use to make the video call. What things can I start to res...
android - Make voice and video call through internet with our ...
Sep 20, 2013 · You can use Jingle for video calling. voice call can also be done using jingle. But mostly in Android, SIP Protocol is used for voice calling since it is comes with android. Voice call over SIP Protocol. You can also look into this sample implementation of SIP in Android. SIP Protocol Implemetation. You can find some Jingle Documentations here
Video Call through SIP in Android - Stack Overflow
Feb 7, 2013 · I am beginner in Android and working on an application which could make video call over IP using SIP. I searched about it a lot on Google and also on StackOverflow and all I got is that I would need some Native Library, about which I don't have so much knowledge.
Android video call programmatically - Stack Overflow
Apr 1, 2016 · I would like to know is it possible to make a video call in android programmatically? I found this question (How to make video call programmatically on Android 2.2 or higher?) but the answer seems to be only for Samsung phone. Is there any other solution without using any Api? Want through 3g/4g. Like the regular video call feature a mobile ...
How to call one android application from another android …
There are many concepts in Android that resemble "call one android application from another". Please consider adding another hundred words or so to your question, explaining what it is you are trying to accomplish, so we can help you better. –
Video call solution for android - Stack Overflow
Oct 16, 2015 · I am looking for a video call solution for android. Tried using tokbox but there solution has lot of limitations e.g. Android 4.0+, and doesn't support 64 bit phones. Implemented my own solution using WebRTC, but since video is not my game don't want to support backend servers for myself. Also, twilio is coming up with a solution in 6-8 weeks ...
c# - Developing a Video Chat Application with high quality video ...
Aug 22, 2014 · This call-center application implements the video, audio, desktop/application sharing (with control), text chat functionality available from the CTX API. The application also includes some business logic specifically around providing the ability to route the calls to an agent that is available or have specific skill-set.
Answer incoming call using android.telecom and InCallService
Jan 20, 2017 · If the user wants to answer the call, you need to invoke the method Call#answer(int) with VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY for example. What is the life-cycle of the callbacks on this class. Check out Call.Callback for events that can happen with a single call. Does Google provide any actual tutorial for this that I haven't found
android - Video Call Using WebRtc - Stack Overflow
Aug 30, 2017 · QuickBlox also provides an open-source, cross-platform, video calling and instant messaging app solution called Q-municate. You can find ready-made apps with a wide range of communication features included (such as messaging, file transfer, push notifications, audio/video calls) Qmunicate Android chat application source code
Android - make a whatsapp call via App Link / Intent
Simple solution is, Query ContactContract.Data for the _id and MIME type. ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); cursor = resolver.query ...