I was very pleased to see the editorial in the September 27th issue of The Bee titled “Bi-Partisan Effort To Stop Stolen Political Signs.” I have lived in Newtown since 1955 and the ...
Jahana Hayes continues to demonstrably misrepresent George Logan’s positions, even after being fact checked by CNN. These claims are far afield of the truth and a simple google search ...
I want to take the opportunity to introduce myself to those who may want to know more about who is running for the House of Representatives 106th, representing Newtown. My husband ...
Jahana Hayes, Democratic Candidate for US House of Representatives is running as incumbent. Her opponent, Republican George Logan wants to appear as a moderate candidate, but not ...
Rob Blanchard has a strong track record of working for the citizens of Connecticut. He is currently Chief of Staff to Comptroller Sean Scanlon, focusing on making healthcare more ...
I am writing to express my strong support for Tony Hwang as he seeks re-election to the Connecticut State Senate. Tony has proven time and again that he is a dedicated public servant ...
In his letter the DTC Chairman misleads voters by suggesting that legislating is a simple, binary litmus test, rather than complicated negotiations on legislative packages. A ...
Monday October 21st at 10 am starts Early Voting. It lasts for 14 consecutive days ending at 6 pm on Sunday November 3rd. The hours are 10-6 every day except October 29th and 31st ...
If you have lived in Newtown for at least the last 12 years you already know what I am going to say but if you are new to Newtown, please take a moment to learn why so many of your ...
It’s 3 am on June 3, 2023. Do you know where your State Senator is? If it’s Tony Hwang, he was voting to weaken Connecticut’s gun laws. Don’t believe me? You can see it on-demand on ...
Tony Hwang is more than just my State Senator; he is my friend. Over the nearly 20 years I’ve known Tony, I’ve seen firsthand the qualities that make him an exceptional leader and a ...
A large thank you has to go out to Karen Martin, who took the time to go on record with her timely Letter To The Editor, (Concerned For The Country, which was published in the Letter ...