A team of researchers, led by Cristina Otero from the Biocatalysis and Bioenergy Group at the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry from the Spanish National Research Council (ICP-CSIC), has ...
Gijón, Spain, 17 January 2025 | This financial support will enable Sea Eight to achieve an annual production capacity of 1,600 tonnes during the project’s first phase ICONO In future phases, the ...
La Sociedad Española de Acuicultura (SEA) se prepara para desempeñar un papel destacado en el próximo Congreso Europeo de Acuicultura (AE25VAL), que tendrá lugar en Valencia del 22 al 25 de septiembre ...
Los profesionales que liderarán el avance de la acuicultura en los próximos años tendrán que saber combinar conocimientos de zootecnia con otros relacionados con las innovaciones disruptivas que están ...
Professionals poised to lead advancements in aquaculture will need to meld zootechnical knowledge with expertise in disruptive innovations being integrated into the field, such as the Internet of ...
While noises from aquaculture operations are known to introduce stress in fish, studies indicate that other stimuli, such as classical music, have a positive impact on their behaviour and physiology.
La Xunta de Galicia ha decidido ampliar el plazo para solicitar las ayudas de acuicultura con el objetivo de facilitar el proceso a los beneficiarios y asegurarse de que las solicitudes lleguen a un ...
Expanded polystyrene has long been the preferred choice in seafood packaging due to its excellent insulation, impact resistance, and lightweight properties. These attributes ensure fish remains fresh ...
The Castellón City Council’s Board of Governors has granted an environmental licence to Next Tuna Spain SL for the establishment of a pilot farm for breeding Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) at ...
Histamine, a by-product of bacterial metabolism in poorly stored and preserved fish, is an indicator of spoilage and a serious health hazard can cause poisoning if consumed in high concentrations.