歐洲三大主要指數收市全線上升, 德國及法國股市升近百分之1.5; 英國股市升約百分之1.2. 企業強勁業績刺激歐洲股市造好, 投資者同時關注潛在烏克蘭和平計劃. 倫敦富時100指數收報8727點, 升103點, 升幅百分之1.21. 法蘭克福DAX指數收報21902點, 升316點, 升幅百分之1.47. 巴黎CAC指數收報8007點, 升115點, 升幅百分之1.47.
美股收市個別發展, 三大指數中, 道指下跌, 全日最多跌328點, 收市收窄跌幅, 最終跌近百分之0.3; 納指及標普500指數上升, 連升第三日. 納指表現較好, 升約百分之0.5; 標普500指數升近百分之0.4. 投資者聚焦跨國電子商務企業亞馬遜在美股收市後公布的業績, 以及等待美國當地星期五公布的關鍵就業報告. 道瓊斯工業平均指數收報44747點, 跌125點, 跌幅百分之0.28. 納斯 ...
港股高收; 恒生指數昨日收報20891點, 升294點, 升幅百分之1.43, 大市成交1784億幾. 港股上升, 期貨夜市則下跌. 即月恒指夜期收報20907點, 跌30點, 高水15點, 合約成交13871張. 即月國指夜期收報7679點, 跌23點, 低水11點, 合約成交20155張.
伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊海軍艦隊接收第一艘本土研發無人機航母. 當地通訊社報道, 這艘無人機航母長240米、高21米, 跑道長180米, 本周四在伊朗南部阿巴斯港, 交付給伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊海軍艦隊. 無人機航母可搭載多個不同功能的無人機編隊, 能夠發射、回收、操作各種偵察和戰鬥無人機. 伊朗武裝部隊總參謀長巴蓋里(Mohammad Bagheri)在交付儀式上表示, 目前伊朗超過九成的軍事裝備由本國自 ...
烏克蘭總統澤連斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskiy)表示, 烏方需要400億至500億美元用於解決國內流離失所者的住屋問題. 澤連斯基星期四在基輔會見到訪的歐洲復興開發銀行行長雷諾-巴索(Odile Renaud-Basso), 之後在聯合記者會上說, 烏克蘭境內共有約500萬無家可歸者. 為解決這批人的住屋問題, 烏方急需400億至500億美元資金, 他希望能通過俄羅斯被凍結金融資產獲得 ...
Greenland's ruling Siumut party plans to hold a vote on independence following a general election next month, it said on Thursday, an issue made urgent by U.S. President Donald Trump's expressed inter ...
Seven people were killed in floods and landslides caused by heavy rains in the Brazilian northeastern state of Pernambuco, the civil defense said on Thursday. The heavy rains have been recorded since ...
Widespread protests erupted Thursday in Yemen's Aden over persistent electricity interruption. Protesters took to the streets in multiple districts, including Sheikh Othman, Mansourah, and Khormaksar, ...
At least six people were killed on Thursday and 27 others injured as a bus overturned on an intercity road in Iran's southeastern Kerman province, the official news agency IRNA reported. The incident, ...
Israel carried out a series of airstrikes on Thursday, targeting several areas in southern and eastern Lebanon, state-run National News Agency (NNA) reported. Israeli warplanes launched multiple raids ...
Slovakia's largest gas supplier, SPP, announced on Thursday that it has begun importing Russian gas via the TurkStream pipeline through Hungary as of Feb. 1. SPP maintains a valid contract with Russia ...
Hong Kong Post will continue to suspend mailing services for goods sent to the United States until further notice, and needs to further clarify the US's request for additional tariffs. The US Postal S ...