La gestión de las plantillas es un aspecto muy difícil dentro de un equipo de béisbol. Cada club tiene una lista de 40 ...
YCLIU: The Rube Was in the House When the House Burned Down $ ...
Hemos tenido juegos interliga desde 1997. Es una iniciativa que le debemos a Bud Selig. Al principio se determinaron los juegos atendiendo criterios geográficos: los equipos de la División Oeste de la ...
Finnegan stepped back amidst the usual taunts of the home crowd, grabbed the rosin bag, and wandered back to the rubber. But ...
In the early going, it seems like his best chance to accelerate the construction process is to trade Dylan Cease. Almost ...
Billy showed up on the first day and the kids all knew his name. While they hopped and darted around him, he began to feel at home. But it wasn’t long before their parents’ eyes narrowed with disgust.
How much is a half of a mile per hour drop in velocity worth? I wondered that question this season as I watched Spencer Strider go from the most dominant pitcher in baseball with bases empty to ...
El lunes, Major League Baseball publicó un nuevo conjunto de estadísticas relacionadas con la velocidad del bate y la trayectoria del swing. Utilizando cámaras Hawk-Eye instaladas en todos los ...
Hurricane Milton’s devastating strike over St. Petersburg tore the coated fiberglass roof right off of Tropicana Field, home of the Tampa Bay Rays. It will cost the team roughly $56 million to fix MLB ...
Los Cardinals tienen muchas cosas que hacer este invierno. Se han comprometido (en un acuerdo poco común, y que llega con ...