On 13 November 2024, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre hosted the online launch of Phase 3 of the Mentorship Programme for African Heritage Professionals. The event was opened by Mr Lazare ...
Outstanding Universal Value, or ‘OUV’ is described in Paragraph 49 of the Operational Guidelines as: ‘cultural and/or natural significance which is so exceptional as to transcend national boundaries ...
This park is one of the last major remnants of the primary tropical forest of West Africa. Its rich natural flora, and threatened mammal species such as the pygmy hippopotamus and 11 species of ...
Located in the historic centre of Isfahan, the Masjed-e Jāmé (‘Friday mosque’) can be seen as a stunning illustration of the evolution of mosque architecture over twelve centuries, starting in ad 841.
The outstanding handling of new architectural techniques in the 13th century, and the harmonious marriage of sculptural decoration with architecture, has made Notre-Dame in Reims one of the ...
Nancy, the temporary residence of a king without a kingdom – Stanislas Leszczynski, later to become Duke of Lorraine – is paradoxically the oldest and most typical example of a modern capital where an ...
In the 4th century, a remarkable series of decorated tombs were constructed in the cemetery of the Roman provincial town of Sopianae (modern Pécs). These are important both structurally and ...