The stock was trading at Rs 55.39 on BSE, up 5 per cent. Despite the recent fall, the multibagger stock is still 518.19 per cent in the past two years. The fresh targets suggest up to 44 per cent ...
Homegrown Jakson Green and Singapore-based Blueleaf Energy on Thursday announced their collaboration to develop one GW solar projects in Rajasthan at an investment of USD 400 million (Rs 3,400 crore).
Hitachi Energy India hit an upper circuit of 20% at Rs 12,157.95 after the company's standalone net profit stood at Rs 137.28 crore in Q3 FY25, steeply higher than Rs 22.97 crore in Q3 FY24.
The US Federal Reserve held interest rates steady yesterday, defying Donald Trump’s calls for deep reductions. The Fed’s pause on cuts is a setback for the renewable energy industry, which has ...
A new report from an ocean advocacy group finds that billions of dollars have been invested in U.S. ports in gearing up for ...
Katie-Anne Mulder is CEO of Queensland Renewable Energy Council.
From job creation to improving global competitiveness of both small and large firms, a strong carbon credit market is the ...
The Crisafulli government’s Draft Renewables Regulatory Framework is an opportunity to resolve community and investor concerns in the interests of faster regional development.