Rajiv Kumar on Friday said that anti-pollution measures similar to Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) were needed to combat “social media pollution”. The CEC lamented that social media platforms were ...
Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar on Friday highlighted the need for a clean social media space and said that the entire social media space is polluted. He added that if we have environmental ...
Despite the improvement, the AQI still falls under the 'poor' category, marking the fourth consecutive day of the week where the AQI has remained within this range ...
There has been a significant improvement in Delhi’s air quality after rainfall.The AQI was recorded at 209 on Friday at 6 am.
A senior GMDA official said that construction was put on hold due to imposition of GRAP measures in the city, and it will be resumed soon. To expedite construction, they are working on getting the ...