Great recipes require the perfect combination of ingredients—biotechnology recipes are no exception. Researchers from Osaka ...
Humans have taken advantage of the metabolism in a tiny fungus called yeast to create beer and wine from grains and fruits. What are the biological mechanisms behind this alcohol production?
New and unexplored yeast strains may have properties that can enhance the commercial competitiveness of this sustainable production. In a study recently published in Applied and Environmental ...
The global yeast market is poised for significant expansion, with an estimated valuation of USD 4,191.6 million in 2025. Driven by the increasing demand for yeast across diverse industries, the market ...
Researchers have engineered yeast to efficiently convert methanol into D-lactic acid, a key compound for biodegradable plastics and pharmaceuticals. By optimizing gene and promoter combinations, they ...
When compared with current production methods, Keasling said, “Scaled up, over the long term, [our approach] will be the best way.” The current yield from yeast is 0.0012 percent w/w, that is lower ...
Here we demonstrate one facet of its versatility—a technique for inducing ethanol production in yeast, by switching from an aerobic growth phase to an anaerobic steady-state culture. The BioFlo ...