A balmy start to April will see millions of Brits enjoying glorious sunshine - check out whether your area will be soaked in ...
Sunshine and warmer weather are set to return to the UK in time for Mother’s Day while a partial solar eclipse will be visible in parts of the country on Saturday morning. Temperatures are expected to ...
With warmer weather on its way, Lottie Gross, author of dog-friendly travel guide ‘Dog Days Out’, shares the best UK ...
Sewage was spilled at near-record levels with more than 450,000 incidents in England last year. These are the areas that ...
With the EU announcement warning people to pack a kit that will help them survive for three days in case of war or natural ...
Traffic queues have been described as "much worse than usual" on a busy Swindon road with roadworks set to continue for days. The delays come as Swindon Borough Council has commenced work on upgrading ...
Shaun Jones, AA Patrol of the Year, said: “We urge drivers, particularly those in HGVs, to follow the signed diversionary routes rather than using sat-navs or Google Maps ... of delays attributed to ...
The weather phenomenon that brought the Beast from the East could be returning to Swindon and Wiltshire this month. The Met Office has forecast a sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) in mid-March.
A WaveShare Pico-RGB-Matrix-P3-64x32 LED panel Clock powered by a Raspberry Pico W and displaying local weather from the Open Weather map API ...
Wiltshire Council will be laying a high friction (also known ... This work is subject to favourable weather conditions, and heavy rain may affect the progress. If the work is unable to be completed as ...
The UK is bracing for a significant snow onslaught next week, with the latest weather maps turning white and purple. On 19 March, just before the onset of spring, snowfall is anticipated in the ...
EIGHT people were arrested and a knife found in Wiltshire amid a week of national activity against organised criminal gangs in February. More than 200 people were arrested and drugs worth more than ...