An environmental assessment detailing how an estimated 1,750 cubic yards of lead-laced soils could be appropriately excavated ...
Al-Ansari, N. , Sissakian, V. and Elias, Z. (2025) Soil Erosion in Al-Adhaim River Basin, Central Part of Iraq. Engineering, ...
Since physical and chemical erosion yield comparable carbon fluxes, studying both together is essential to avoid biases in erosion-driven carbon flux estimates.
Aluminum (Al) toxicity in acidic soils significantly restricts plant growth and agricultural productivity, especially in ...
“Anywhere where you consider soils to be either sandier or more weathered — soils that have higher precipitation and have more leaching over time and weathering as they’ve developed — you ...
Nitrogen (N) deficiency – Nitrogen is often the most limiting nutrient for conifer growth, particularly in soils derived from highly weathered sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. Research has shown that ...
She named it "Weathering." "The idea of weathering was connoting sort of how a rock, for example, would be weathered by hundreds of years of rain and wind," she said. "It's gonna affect it [and ...
They turned into carbonate minerals—the result of weathering—within weeks to months ... re testing now is adding them to agricultural soil.” This application could also be practical ...
The Lady Spikers weathered the challenge of Nitura and the Lady Falcons in the first two sets before pulling away in the mid-third set with Shevana Laput joining the party for a 20-16 lead.
New farm fertilizer could remove CO2 from the atmosphere Calcium silicates react faster, making carbon capture more efficient Field trials underway to assess soil impact before large-scale use ...
These are often shallow, stony soils with little more than some minor organic matter accumulation on the surface and weathered parent material. Rudosols are poorly developed but widespread. The most ...