From helping catalyze interstellar reactions and fueling the birth of stars to its presence in neighborhood gas giants like ...
In the search for elusive particles called neutrinos, researchers are stringing thousands of detectors in the depths of the ...
Three and a half kilometres beneath the Mediterranean Sea, around 80km off the coast of Sicily, lies half of a very unusual telescope called KM3NeT ...
Filters in water pitchers or under-sink systems capture dangerous chemicals, only for them to be returned to the environment.
Researchers from Linköping University in Sweden believe they may have found a solution that could let solar manufacturers ...
So far, President Trump and his energy secretary, Chris Wright, are right about one thing: under the previous administration, ...
Donald Trump's declaration of a national energy emergency wasn't shocking. What was, though, was that his order singled out ...
An extraordinary event consistent with a neutrino with an estimated energy of about 220 PeV (220 x 1015 electron volts or 220 ...
You would have to flip 75 heads in a row on a fair coin to have the same probability of a single neutrino interacting with a ...
A deep-sea detector glimpsed a particle with 220 million billion electron volts of energy — around 20 times as energetic as any neutrino seen before.
A huge detector in the Mediterranean Sea spotted the most energetic neutrino from space to date. The particle could shed light on the universe’s most extreme phenomena.
Undersea detectors anchored deep in the Mediterranean Sea found an ultra-high-energy neutrino, a particle that opens a new window onto the cosmos.