The ear-splitting roar of his jet ski fills the air as Hamza al-Hamm thunders past, kicking up plumes of water -- not at the ...
Plastic milk and water jugs are popular choices, as are takeout containers and clamshell salad packages. If using plastic jugs, poke holes in the bottom for drainage, then cut them roughly in half ...
Private-equity firm New Water Capital Partners has acquired Dutch ... Gamber Container Company, The Bacon Jug Company and DGH Logistics. The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.
RIYADH, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) -- Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud announced Monday the formation of a Global Water Organization headquartered in Riyadh, the Saudi Press Agency ...
Cairo: A cold wave gripping several parts of Saudi Arabia has frozen a decorative fountain in Rafha, a governorate in the kingdom’s north-east. Photos taken early Tuesday show the fountain covered in ...
Saudi Arabia's National Water Company (NWC) has announced that its Western Cluster has completed a series of water and environmental projects in Taif Governorate at an investment of over SAR323 ...
When reviewing the photos, he saw something he didn't notice before: A mountain shaped like a dog's head rested on the ground next to the Yangtze River, its snout perched at the water's edge.
Residents are currently relying on two water stations, known as water buffalos, to fill up bottles and jugs with safe drinking water. One of these stations is located near the train depot at E ...
Milk jugs are repurposed as mini greenhouses for winter seed sowing in Westchester County, N.Y. Julia Rubin The Associated Press Plastic egg cartons serve as miniature greenhouses. Contributed ...
It’s either time — or nearly time — to start seeds indoors for the upcoming growing season, depending on where you live. But what about starting them outdoors, despite the frozen ground ...
Stacked up everywhere are water jugs and buckets for collecting water, which has become the family’s daily struggle. Severe water shortages have plagued the area, which have become more apparent ...