This hall-of-fame anime classic follows the story of a young wandering swordsman traveling through the countryside of Meiji-era Japan. His quest for atonement for past violence brings him to the ...
This hall-of-fame anime classic follows the story of a young wandering swordsman traveling through the countryside of Meiji-era Japan. His quest for atonement for past violence brings him to the door ...
Take your swordsmanship to the next level, check out our ZO ぞ Samurai Sword Fighting Codes and Weapon Fighting Simulator Codes articles, and claim more freebies to become the ultimate warrior ...
The game emphasizes player choice: you shape your story as a wandering swordsman, healer, merchant, or something entirely different. There’s a strong focus on combat, too, as mechanics let players ...
Now a wandering swordsman in the Meiji period, Kenshin uses his reverse-blade sword to protect the weak and uphold peace. Throughout the series, Kenshin encounters old enemies and new allies as he ...
This historical action series tells the compelling story of Kenshin Himura, a wandering swordsman who has vowed never to kill again. It beautifully combines the art of samurai action with a deep ...
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