A cross-party group is calling for an independent, public inquiry into the UK’s involvement in Israel’s military assault on ...
With his thumping majority of 158, Starmer has been able to weather the undercurrent of unrest that has simmered since he became Prime Minister in July, when seven Labour MPs were suspended for ...
EXCLUSIVE: The SNP said the Scottish Labour MPs who signed it should apologise and distance themselves from the expected cuts ...
EXCLUSIVE: Germany's plan to bypass its newly elected Bundestag to lift the Debt Brake has sparked outrage, with critics ...
One museum visitor in Edinburgh was horrified to see stolen body parts belonging to his 19th century ancestors on display ...
PIP cuts don't fit in to the narrative of providing opportunities to people who are languishing on the dole. Some of those ...
There is one over-riding reason why Reform has not imploded: huge swathes of the electorate are so angry with Labour and the ...
TBIJ journalists explain how they got around SLAPP suits by having UK Members of Parliament — shielded by legal privilege — ...
Darren Jones, Treasury chief secretary, is leading a spending review — to conclude in June — which will cover three years of ...
Labour MP Josh Fenton-Glynn said he would ‘never not be sorry that I’ve written eulogies for my brother but never a best man ...
A week-long exhibition at the Houses of Parliament saw MPs encouraged to view the number of their own constituents on the ...
Opponents say removing the clause "fundamentally weakens protections for the vulnerable" while those in favour argue that ...