Explore Adirondack maple producers' innovative practices during open house weekends in March at Thurman Maple Days ...
Dan and Jennifer Hilbert created a unique sourdough bagel recipe that turned into a hit, starting Dan's Bagels which now has ...
Since arriving in the United States in 1990 from her native Ethiopia, Chaltu Merga has been a nanny, a daycare worker, and the founder of a housecleaning business, as well as a mother of three boys ...
From not finding anything extraordinary in bread to owning one of the biggest bakery brands in India, how did her journey unfold? Suchali Jain, the tour de force behind Suchali’s Artisan ...
With endless hordes Minecraft house builds out there clamoring for attention, we've locked down and done all the hard work to get together the best of them, so all you have to do is browse the ...
Noise isn’t a concern if you set your vacuum to do its thing while you’re out of the house, but a less cacophonous vacuum should benefit those who spend more time at home. We found the app and ...
Nah untuk menjalankan tugas tersebut, Danantara diberikan wewenang untuk mengelola dividen Holding Investasi, dividen Holding Operasional, dan dividen BUMN, menyetujui penambahan dan atau pengurangan ...
Fungsi dan tugas INA dan Danantara pun cukup berbeda. INA berfungsi mengelola investasi dan bertugas merencanakan, menyelenggarakan, mengawasi dan mengendalikan serta mengevaluasi investasi. Hal itu ...
Menurut UAS, tugas utama negara bukanlah memberikan makanan gratis kepada anak-anak, melainkan memastikan para orangtua memiliki pekerjaan dan pendapatan yang cukup untuk menghidupi keluarga mereka.
Menurut UAS, tugas negara itu bukan memberi makan anak. Tugas negara itu, UAS melanjutkan, menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan kepada bapaknya. "Anaknya ya diurus bapaknya, ngapain negara ngurus." kata UAS ...