Der asiatisch-pazifische Raum umfasst Japan, China, Korea, Indien, Saudi-Arabien und Südostasien ...
A new study by LMU and Helmholtz Munich shows how pathogens control changes in their cell surface to evade the immune system.
The immune system responds to an infection by producing antibodies that recognize and bind to the cell surface of the ...
Rapid tests could be used to diagnose Chagas disease in resource-limited areas, according to a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). The results of this research, ...
München (ots) - - Eine neue Studie von LMU und Helmholtz Munich zeigt, wie der Krankheitserreger Trypanosoma brucei die Veränderung seiner Zelloberfläche steuert, um ...
We apply a population genomics approach to examine this effect in an important human pathogen, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. We determine that T.b. gambiense is evolving strictly asexually and is ...