employing their tiny arms. “We thought it would be fun to get a group of T. rex (maybe 20) together to make a large video.” Soon, hundreds of people had commented on the “Trex Tuesdays ...
Scientists have wondered for years why the Tyrannosaurus Rex has the tiny 3 1/3 foot arms. Recent discoveries suggest that they evolved them to counterbalance their huge heads. Follow Tech Insider ...
Tyrannosaurus rex was a fearsome creature: 12 feet tall, 40 feet long, weighing over 10,000 pounds, with razor-sharp teeth as big as bananas ... It was bipedal, had tiny arms, and was a ferocious ...
The skeleton is posable, with a movable tail, jaw, head and tiny little baby arms. And you don’t just get a big ol’ T-Rex as part of this new set. Lego is also tossing in two new exclusive ...