Monday closed up +0.78 (+4.06%), and May London ICE white sugar #5 (SWK25) closed up +23.30 (+4.30%). NY sugar prices Monday ...
NY world sugar #11 (SBK25) today is up +0.67 (+3.49%), and May London ICE white sugar #5 (SWK25) is up +21.40 (+3.95%). NY ...
China raised its annual grain production target on Wednesday to around 700 million metric tons and expanded its agriculture ...
A big jump in global sugar commodity prices last month looks like presaging further increases later in the year, potentially ...
March NY world sugar #11 (SBH25) today is up +0.26 (+1.29%), and May London ICE white sugar #5 (SWK25) is up +7.20 (+1.36%). Sugar prices today extended this week's rally to a new 2-month high on ...
“That was hard when I had to tell my dad that I grew my last sugar beet crop,” he said. “You can imagine he wasn’t very happy about that.” Like so many others, it was one of the family ...
India has so far exported its major share of sugar to Sri Lanka and Afghanistan despite growing concerns over the possibility of reduced domestic pro ...