Feeling a little itchy? Here's how to recognize the most commonly undiagnosed skin irritations, including the one you may have on your elbow or ankle right this minute. The post What’s That Rash? How ...
Also known as polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP), it is one of the most common types of rash you can get during pregnancy. Though harmless, it does cause an itchy rash with hive-like bumps on ...
Skin rash can be caused by several factors, including stress. Stress is a natural response one has under pressure or due to a threat. It is a situation where people do not feel in control.
Unlike allergic hives, chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU ... Many may patients believe their symptoms are caused by food, stress, or environmental triggers, when in reality CSU is driven by ...
Chronic urticaria (CU) is a dermatological condition ... However, certain factors — such as stress, exercise, temperature changes, friction, or certain medications — may exacerbate symptoms ...
Stress can be acute or chronic and can lead to fatigue, headaches, upset stomach, nervousness, and irritability or anger. Exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and eating a nutritious diet ...
On top of the symptoms of stress, anxiety can cause digestive problems, hives, nausea, trembling, dizziness, sleep issues, concentration issues, panic attacks, a sense of impending doom and more.
Urticaria is most often caused by an allergy or infection, but it can occur due to stress, vibration, or sudden changes in the environment. An abnormal immune response causes blood vessels to leak ...
Events that may cause the body to release histamine and develop hives include: allergic reactions overreaction to heat, cold, or, sweat stress exposure to sunlight pressure on the skin due to ...
As the team reported in Advances in Radiation Oncology, in the time since the patient developed the rash 3 months earlier, she had unsurprisingly become increasingly anxious and unable to concentrate.
Scientists have found two ‘dials’ in the brain that help to explain how chronic stress hijacks decision-making 1. How the stressed-out brain can weaken the immune system The discovery is based ...
You can’t contract the rash from another person, but the plant’s oil can transfer from your clothing. Hiking and biking in parks and woodlands are popular outdoor activities, but some native ...