To find your tax code, check your latest payslip or your P45 if you've recently left a job. Discovering you've been overly generous to the taxman by paying too much is a scenario many dread ...
YOU could be missing out on hundreds of pounds from the taxman - but there's a quick way to check if you're owed. Millions of people are thought to be on the wrong tax code, meaning they're not ...
Millions of UK workers could potentially be on the wrong tax code, and if this is the case, they may be entitled to a refund from HMRC. Your tax code informs your employer or pension provider how ...
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has started issuing emails to people advising them to check their newly issued tax code for 2025/26. Your tax code is the number that tells your employer or your ...
Inspects source code for security problems by scanning the Go AST and SSA code representation. Gosec can be configured to only run a subset of rules, to exclude certain file paths, and produce reports ...
Make sure your index "MOC" files (notes or Canvas) contain all links they should contain. Convenient and unopinionated Obsidian plugin which will check if all the necessary links are included in your ...