The landmark 1964 Rivonia Trial may have ended with the icons of South Africa’s anti-apartheid struggle being handed life sentences, but 60 years later, the historic sentencing is being ...
South Africa’s fight for unity and global progress. 23. The African National Congress (ANC) welcomes and deeply values the ...
Since the establishment of South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC) in 1912, their demand has been an end to all forms ...
In an explosive and unapologetic outburst, Minister of Trade and Industry Vitumbiko Mumba has publicly condemned the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) leadership, accusing senior figures of orchestrating a ...
Sisulu’s mother was Xhosa and his father was European. Mandela came from the Xhosa-speaking Thembu tribe. The Rivonia trial was essentially a crude mechanism through which the white apartheid ...
Discover the story behind the infamous Rivonia Trial, where Mandela and his co-defendants fought for the freedom of South Africa, in this new film. Directed by former high court judge Sir Nick ...