The Enugu State Government has banned the pasting of posters on any outdoor surface or ... the directive amounts to a violation of Section 4(1,g), Section 33, and Section 34(4,9) of the ENSSAA ...
"Goes from 0 to 1939 in 3 seconds," says the poster from campaign group Everyone ... Tesla’s share of the market dropped from 1.8 percent to 1 percent. Musk has denied a “hostile takeover ...
The poster features Luffy plus the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates dressed in their own Lakers gear and the anime’s logo at the forefront. The text on the bottom of the poster commemorates the ...
Check out the poster in the space below: Released in 2005 , Revenge of the Sith marked the conclusion of the prequel trilogy (and, for a while, the Star Wars film series).
Movie posters can sell a movie before you even know what it is. Before you even know what a movie is about, you can get a vibe from the poster and decide whether or not you're interested in seeing it.
In judetul Sibiu, de la debutul pandemiei si pana in prezent au fost confirmate pozitiv in urma testarii SARS CoV-2, 14182 de persoane (dintre care 13547 adulti si 522 copii).Pana la data curenta au ...
Ziua Marii Unirii din anul 1918 va reuni la Medgidia toti cetatenii care traiesc si simt romaneste. De 1 Decembrie, la 97 de ani de la Marea Unire, municipalitatea organizeaza manifestari dedicate ...
Vorbind elogios la adresa Marii Uniri de la 1 Decembrie 1918, cu mare respect și față de multele și mărețele date de referință din istoria noastră, cu mândrie națională, constatăm că, între toate, a ...