The new owners plan to spend about $2 million updating the 243,000-square-foot building, which opened in 2001.
Holmes County commissioners contracted with Tekton Engineering to design plans to redevelop the county garage site.
The administration of President Donald Trump forged ahead this month with plans to shrink the federal government’s national ...
US President Donald Trump’s real estate firm is planning its first commercial tower in the western Indian city of Pune as it ...
A plan to move the Jacksonville district office of Army Corps of Engineers out of a downtown Jacksonville tower has ended as ...
SAN JOSE — A housing highrise, conversions of office spaces to residences, new retail, and a revamped office building could ...
The office development, dubbed Arapaho Station, would be a major addition to the city’s skyline and boost business activity ...
Dozens in Congress with offices in buildings targeted for disposal could be forced to relocate or renegotiate rent on the ...
One Flagler may be the newest, shiniest, glitziest office building in West Palm Beach, catering to a new set of sun seekers.