In the vibrant yet fragile waters of the Gulf of Oman, spectacular phytoplankton blooms – visible even from space – unfold in ...
All central Florida Atlantic beaches are at a risk for rip currents this week, prompting meteorologists to issue alerts.
When Loretto Ocariz dives into the waves with her surfboard, her problems just fizzle away. She finds being in the water so ...
A new map of cosmic expansion suggests that dark energy evolves over time, hinting that the universe doesn’t work the way we ...
Mars might hold enough subsurface water to cover its surface in a global ocean between 0.62 to 1.24 miles (1 to 2 kilometers) ...
Seismic readings of the interior of Mars strongly suggest large quantities of water buried 6 to 12 miles underground.
The many colors of nature and wildlife collide as birds and crabs scurry for food and the sun sets over the ocean and sand at ...
The facility boasts a wave pool that generates actual, honest-to-goodness waves – not those pathetic ripples that barely ...
Summit Waves isn’t trying to be the biggest waterpark in Missouri, and that’s precisely part of its charm. It’s the waterpark ...
Blue Mind Theory describes the calming effects of being by water. As a travel writer, I traveled to Vancouver Island to better understand the phenomenon.
From across the Milky Way galaxy, something has been sending out signals. Every two hours or so, a pulse of radio waves ripples through space-time, appearing in data going back years. Now a team of ...
As the seabed suddenly rises, it displaces colossal volumes of water, producing powerful waves that spread outward in all directions, just like the ripples from a stone thrown into a pond. The smaller ...