Nitrogen (N) is a key driver of grass growth and is essential to a good silage crop. Aim to apply 80 units/ac of N on silage fields. Recently reseeded swards have a greater ability to use nitrogen and ...
To combat these challenges, the cultivation of forage and feed crops is critical in developing ... Lucerne (100%), sweet potatoes (83.3%), Grevillea (75%), Napier grass (57.1%), and acacia pods (50%) ...
It does not necessarily reflect the view of The Herald. A pioneering trial has shown that applying an inoculant to grass silage can significantly improve fibre digestibility and increase milk yields ...
and funded by the National Technical System of Forage Industry for Dry Grass Storage (CARS-34), China. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial ...
Haylage, like conventional silage, is a way to preserve forages and ensure a constant supply in both amount and quality for animals, which helps maintain the efficiency of production systems, however, ...
Meanwhile, he urged the breeders to take the initiative of producing livestock feed on their own like growing Napier grass to reduce costs.