Mad Men, one of the best shows ever created, was known for its quietly jaw-dropping character moments and unthinkably sharp ...
Mad Men is a landmark television series that ushered ... It was also the first basic cable series to receive the Emmy for ...
Originally from Missouri, Jon Hamm is best known for portraying "Don Draper" in the 2007 series Mad Men. The show ended in ...
Matthew Weiner defended Mad Men's portrayal of race, sparking a conversation on historical accuracy and representation.
Mad Men showrunner Matthew Weiner describes the pitfalls of depicting one of the most harrowing moments of US history in all ...
The star of the AMC smash says audience behavior has changed as she promoted the Sky series premiering at Series Mania.
Few television series have reached the poetic heights that Mad Men has. Its phenomenally written scripts, powerful––yet understated––performances and meticulous attention to historical ...
Christina Hendricks is an American actress. Hendricks rose to fame playing Joan Harris in the critically acclaimed AMC drama Mad Men. She has received numerous accolades, including six Primetime ...
To receive full access to Campaign's content including: Unrestricted access to all The Information and The Knowledge content Access to Campaign's in-depth features and coveted reports including ...
Hear about this exciting period from real-life Don Drapers and Peggy Olsons and find out if the three-martini lunches and workplace trysts in AMC's Mad Men were the stuff of dreams or reality.