JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV - Ternyata ada berbagai dampak negatif yang bisa dialami anak-anak yang menjalani puasa tanpa sahur. Salah satu yang paling berisiko adalah hipoglikemia, yaitu gangguan yang terjadi ...
Pemkot Batam menganggarkan Rp 1,3 miliar untuk pengadaan peralatan tenis meja lengkap. Kadisdik Batam menyebut rencana pengadaan itu dari pokok pikiran DPRD. Pemkot Batam menganggarkan Rp 1,3 miliar ...
Banyak keluarga mengusahakan anggota keluarganya dapat berkumpul saat sahur dan berbuka. Ini bisa menjadi kesempatan bagi kamu untuk mendekorasi meja makan agar dapat menampung lebih banyak anggota ...
A few weeks ago, a dual report by Fightful and PW Nexus revealed that Carmella was no longer contracted to WWE. The former Women’s Champion later confirmed this on social media, promising she would ...
Train car after train car, filled with Wisconsin sand. It’s vital to the Alberta oil and gas industry. Of the approximately eight million tonnes of sand the Canadian oil and gas industry uses ...
President Donald Trump closed his first cabinet meeting by blasting the state of America, saying, “The country has gotten bloated, fat and disgusting.” in clear context to the job performance ...
I cajoled a friend into playing, and we had a great time, both blasting and winning, but also explaining to each other just how dumb that last move was. The game could do more to help you quickly ...
Former ABC chair and Australian media legend Ita Buttrose last week fired off a remarkable letter to Seyfarth Shaw Australia, the lawyers representing the ABC in its current case involving the ...
A letter was mailed to nearby homes and businesses telling them to prepare for blasting at the site for up to two years. It says in part: “We anticipate blasting activities will begin after ...