Just like a bank will charge you an interest rate for a loan ... ratio that measures a company's financial leverage. You can calculate it by dividing a company's total liabilities by its ...
Interest expense also includes margin interest, which is charged in ... The simplest way to calculate interest expense is to multiply a company's total debt by the average interest rate on its ...
With a margin account, an investor can increase their purchasing power (and amplify their gains and losses) using extra money borrowed from their brokerage. A margin account is a special type of ...
If you're at the limit, even a small decrease in the market can lead to you getting hit with a margin call. In general, interest charges for margin is lower than what you'd see with a credit card ...
In a margin account, your broker may lend your shares to short sellers or hedge funds without notifying you. The broker does this to earn additional interest on the lended shares. Investors who ...