State lawmakers approved a budget fix for Arizona's Department of Child Safety, which was running out of money to pay for group homes for children in foster care.
Re: “ California should standardize, mandate Holocaust education ” (Page A6, March 13). In her March 13 op-ed, Aya Shechter ...
Three hundred and two lucky students from Hawthorne Elementary in Idaho Falls each picked a new free pair of shoes Thursday ...
Two sixth graders at the Epstein Hillel School in Marblehead won an invention contest competing against kids from across North America.
When someone first gets invited to a "college kid dinner," they may expect a small gathering of close friends. However, when ...
After arriving in California in late 1859, Hannah settled in a town 30 miles southwest of Sutter’s Fort called Vacaville. She ...
The vote comes amid a broader push by conservative Christians to infuse more religion into public schools and life.
The students had the opportunity to interact with lawmakers, writing letters to their district representatives and authors of ...
Joshua Suddith, a 13-year-old from Georgia, receives an acceptance letter from Morehouse College, surpassing his goal set at age 4.
Residents of a Downtown Memphis apartment complex are concerned for their health after learning they may have been exposed to lead for years.
"If you have anything you can give to this effort to fight back, I would say do it now because your kids' future depends on ...
Although D.C.’s iconic Black Lives Matter Plaza is being torn up, other street art from the summer of 2020 remains, and a few ...