In front of a screen with brightly colored monsters of green, blue and red, Delaware County Council Chair Dr. Monica Taylor read Tuesday to a rapt group of students at the Widener University Child ...
The Milwaukee Health Department conducted a follow-up lead hazard assessment on Golda Meir Lower School that found 10 dust ...
The Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition, which received $100 million from the Cleveland Clinic, the city of Cleveland, and other major donors when it formed in 2019, just signed off on using $1 million to ...
No one knows how many lead pipes funnel tainted water into schools and daycares, but the GOP is derailing remediation.
The online dashboard provides a breakdown of each of the service lines, showing whether pipes are made of lead or a non-lead ...
State-required water testing in November found elevated lead levels in both Castle Rock Middle School and Castle Rock ...
Age, wellness and health conditions should be looked at, said Dr. Brian Jerusik of Inspira Medical Center Vineland.