The ANC in Gauteng has a new leadership structure, led by former National Council of Provinces chairperson Amos Masondo. Masondo was unveiled as the new convener of the provincial task team in Gauteng ...
For more financial news, go to the News24 Business front page. With US allies and rivals alike weathering a blizzard of daily announcements, insults and edicts from President Donald Trump, the rest of ...
Sejm nie wyraziÅ‚ w piÄ…tek zgody na wybór nowych sÄ™dziów TrybunaÅ‚u Konstytucyjnego. Prawo i Sprawiedliwość zgÅ‚osiÅ‚o kandydatury posÅ‚a Marka Asta oraz profesora prawa Artura Kotowskiego ...