The newly discovered bone tools, which consist of 27 deliberately split and chipped large mammal long bones, were recovered ...
Fossils are like time capsules, offering us a rare chance to glimpse the distant past. Over the years, a number of ancient ...
27 herramientas óseas estandarizadas descubiertas recientemente en el desfiladero de Olduvai, en Tanzania, muestran una ...
Esta semana nuestros contertulios comentan la versión televisiva de "El gatopardo", recientemente estrenada por Netflix. También recuerdan la figura de George Stevens, director de "Raíces profundas", ...
In Olduvai Gorge, archaeologists have discovered a range of bone tools thought to have been made and used by an ancestral human species of hominid called Homo habilis 1.5 million years ago. Known as ...
The bone tools date from more than a million years before our species, Homo sapiens, arose around 300,000 years ago.
Los Homo habilis -los primeros representantes del género Homo- vivieron en África hace entre 2,5 y 1,5 millones de años y podían fabricar sencillas y pequeñas lascas (cuchillos) de piedra con ...
The site has a timeline spanning 2 million to 20,000 years ago, and researchers have uncovered the remains of ancient human ancestors such as Homo habilis, Homo erectus and prehistoric Homo sapiens, ...
The tools may have been made and used by Homo erectus, Homo habilis or Paranthropus boisei. “It could have been any of these three, but it’s almost impossible to know which one,” said Pobiner.
The discovery joins other finds — such as a 1.4-million-year-old bone axe from Ethiopia — that suggest the human ancestor Homo erectus often used bones ... humans and Neanderthals — replaced H.