But Tetzaveh is directed towards the garb of Aaron, the first high priest, and of his successors. Has the bible suddenly ...
However, priesthood goes back much farther, way before Exodus 32 and the ordination of the Levites to the service of Yahweh, and Aaron’s ordination as high priest. How much farther back?
Adam, as we discovered in the previous column, was appointed by God to be high priest of humanity. He was called by God the Father to minister and offer sacrifice in the temple of creation by ...
As part of that work, God instructs the Israelites to make special garments for Aaron, the high priest and Moses’ older brother. We read in Exodus 28:4: “These are the vestments they are to ...
structure in the center of Jerusalem which attracted pilgrims from near and far, both Jews and gentile.... In the Temple itself, we have priests, all descending from Aaron, the High Priest ...