Animal rescue groups safely relocated the grey seal, a species known for taking naps ... Bear Discovered Under Evacuated Altadena Home Too Fat to Tranquilize: 'Not an Option' The social media ...
The baby male gray seal was discovered Sunday near the downtown of New Haven, Connecticut, Officer Christian Bruckhart told ...
Screen grab of the Marine Education, Research and Rehabilitation Institute's post on Facebook A baby grey seal was found in rough shape at a beach in a Delaware state park, photos show.
VIRGINIA BEACH — While it may have seemed a bit cool to be lounging on the beach for some folks, it apparently was just right ...
VIRGINIA BEACH — While it may have seemed a bit cool to be lounging on the beach for some folks, it apparently was just right for a juvenile gray seal spotted hanging out at the Oceanfront this ...
Their species name is “gray seal,” Halichoerus grypus, and they live off the coast of the North Atlantic. Gray seals can reach 10 feet long and weigh nearly 900 pounds.