A Sidney Republican leader was right, Saturday's Telegraph editorial argues, to warn that awarding presidential electoral votes "winner-take-all" might silence rural Nebraska if the state's urban ...
Ahead of the opening of the Obama Presidential Centre next year, design studio Manual has brought new energy to the ...
If Badenoch's party fails to reverse the electoral disaster of last year, the Tories’ appetite for ousting underperforming leaders will likely return with full force.
First, Trump has greatly enlarged the Electoral College value of the solidly Republican states by annexing onto the GOP base five states that voted for Obama in ... College map, Trump has tipped ...
As one who shared the hope, after the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, that representative government, guaranteed ...
The Democratic National Committee chose Mr. Martin, the leader of the Minnesota Democrats, to help oversee a demoralized ...
There is no other Cabinet position that has to engage with lawmakers in Congress across so many disparate technical issues, ...
A lawyer for the state on Thursday asked a three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Atlanta to overturn a lower court that required lawmakers to draw more Black-majority ...
As President Joe Biden readies himself to leave the White House, many turn an eye to his historic career that put Delaware on the map ... 3) Nov. 5, 2008: Barack Obama is elected president ...
As President Barack Obama joked in his 2011 State of the Union speech ... number of seats each state has in the House of Representatives and to adjust or redraw electoral districts, as well as to ...