Meghan Markle avance dans le lancement de sa marque, As Ever. Mais pour faire patienter ses admirateurs, la duchesse a ...
The phrase “film noir” often calls to mind the image of a fedora-clad sleuth investigating a perplexing crime that may or may not involve the woman he loves in a shadow-swarmed city in the 1940s.
À force de la porter, votre doudoune n'est plus aussi gonflée et fluffy qu'avant. Nous vous partageons plusieurs astuces afin de lui redonner ses belles rondeurs. Chaque année, la doudoune ...
Le « travail au noir » ou travail dissimulé concerne 2 % des salariés. Le taux de fraude est lui estimé entre 1,5 et 2 %. De quoi s’agit-il exactement, et que risquent les entreprises ...
With Cheltenham Festival under starter’s orders next week, the safe bet will be on Zara Tindall to scoop the best-dressed rosette once again. Although the Olympic equestrienne is happier in ...
Je suis grand reporter à ELLE où je couvre la justice (un peu), la société (beaucoup), la culture (passionnément) et la BD (à la folie) Parcours. Une école de journalisme (le ...
China-based fashion retailer Urban Revivo (UR) — sometimes dubbed ‘Asia’s answer to Zara’ — is making its U.S. debut today with a 30,000-square-foot flagship store in SoHo, New York.
Now, another China-based apparel brand wants to replicate its success. With more stores than Inditex SA’s Zara and Hennes & Mauritz AB’s H&M in China, and catching up to them in Southeast Asia ...
After eight years of operation, fashion brand Zara has reportedly closed its “iconic" flagship store in South Mumbai’s Fort area. A notice posted on the doors of the 110-year-old, five-story Ismail ...
After 8 years in a pre-colonial building in South Bombay, the ‘iconic’ 5-storey flagship Zara store has closed its doors because the brand could no longer afford the ₹3 crore in monthly rent.
Zara Cherry Smoothie vs Tom Ford Lost Cherry Zara Fleur D'oranger vs Jo Malone Orange Blossom We all know that feeling of dread when we reach the end of our favourite high-end perfume. Maybe it was a ...