Federal regulators are recommending that four Kennebec River dams receive new licenses, with some additional requirements to enhance endangered fish passage that go beyond what the dams' operator had ...
City officials weigh removal, replacement, or repair of deteriorating Saline River Dam as new study explores costs and ...
City: Carpentersville Age: 50 Occupation: Multiple businesses Previous offices held: Current — Carpentersville ...
Water is misused as a weapon when infrastructure and water resources are deliberately destroyed in armed conflicts. Water ...
AUGUSTA (WGME) -- Plans for a massive 15-story dam on the Penobscot River were abandoned on this day in 1986, considered one ...
How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
A few Western lawmakers are trying to roll back a Biden-era strategy to control the spread of smallmouth bass in the Grand ...
Geneva Age: 65 Occupation: Retired Previous offices held: Precinct committeeman What is the most serious issue your ...
The Dover-Foxcroft Select Board will abandon plans to pursue hydropower at the Mayo Mill Dam and surrender its dam operating ...
Also, according to a town study, returning the Exeter River to a free-flowing state by removing the Pickpocket Dam would lead ...
A community in Fairfax County, Virginia, created a petition for Wally after its homeowners association said it would remove ...
The Ohio DNR will remove a low-head dam on Cloverlick Creek in Clermont County to improve water quality in the stream.