It may say spring on the calendar, but colds, flu and COVID are still making people ill. What you should know.
Herpes can cause cold sores and fever blisters, and it may also hold the key to understanding cancer. A local scientist has ...
Amazon says hundreds of people have bought this red light therapy device in the last month alone, with reviewers praising it ...
Tree pollen season has begun in South Carolina while cold and flu viruses are still circulating, which can confuse patients.
One in five of us suffer with cold sores, or 'coleslaws' as spluttering children call them. They are created by herpes simplex, a virus that sits quietly in nerves around the mouth, only gracing ...
We spoke to a doctor about the benefits of red light therapy, from hair growth to reducing anxiety and even healing cold sores and easing sinus pressure. Managing Editor, Commerce Managing Editor ...
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am on a low-sodium diet by choice. I do not add salt to anything, except when I bake for others. I have ...
Adults on average get one or two colds per year, with children getting up to six, and they usually last four to five days.The symptoms are runny nose, dry coug ...
Scientists have a new target to prevent cold sores -- and genital herpes flare-ups caused by the same virus -- after researchers discovered an unexpected way the herpes virus re-activates in the body.
It feels worse with every prodding poke. Another canker sore. What did you do to deserve this? Maybe nothing at all. “Most times, we don’t know why they come,” says Dr. Alessandro Villa ...
A sore throat and swollen glands ... MORE:Get an online treatment plan for your cold, flu, or sinus infection in as little as 15 minutes with Optum Perks Online Care. Optum Perks is owned by ...