Holmes: Well, by our standards, cleanliness in the Middle Ages was pretty poor ... you still can see castle walls stained with the results. And medieval men didn't really bathe terribly often.
The trebuchet was one of the most devastating weapons of the Middle Ages. During medieval sieges, this destruction machine crushed castle walls. Using trial and error, medieval engineers adjusted ...
Following the Middle Ages, the castle was home to Polish kings ... and many claim there's an inscription on its wall that reads: "You may have water, but you have no soul." ...
According to Pinterest's 2025 trend report, trends are going way, way back in time this year."Medieval is having a major moment," it reads. "In 2025, Gen Z and Millennials will take home decor ...
Sheffield, England, in the mid-1600s was in the middle of a civil war ... and Sheffield Castle prepared its walls to defend against invaders. Now, archaeologists working on excavating the castle ...