Mr. Heaton says, that if the cast iron contains about five per cent of ... No. 4 (produced from two-thirds of Northamptonshire brown ore, one-sixth of Chesterfield clay ore, and one-sixth of ...
Fortescue’s main low-grade iron ore generates high carbon emissions in steelmaking and is not amenable to green steelmaking.
The process consists in the conversion of crude cast iron, as it runs from the smelting furnace, into wrought iron, by the simple admixture of granulated iron ore.. It is carried out at the works ...
China’s latest attempt to stimulate economic growth cannot come fast for Australia’s iron ore industry where second tier miners are being rocked by the falling price of the steel making ...
SINGAPORE (Reuters) -Iron ore futures fell for a sixth straight session on Monday amid rising trade tensions between the U.S. and top consumer China, outweighing upbeat Chinese manufacturing data.
Iron ore futures drifted lower on Friday and were headed for a weekly loss due to mounting concerns over demand prospects in top consumer China amid an escalating global trade war. The most-traded ...
Workplace safety authorities are investigating the crucial link between the miner’s Pilbara iron ore operations and port, raising new questions about shipments. Goldman Sachs expects iron ore to ...