Sheikh Younes Amasha, chairperson of the Interfaith Leaders Forum, stated that “the Interfaith Leaders Forum in Israel stands in deep solidarity with the Bibas family in their immense grief.
of Assam worth Rs 270 crore Amagatsha amasha azobhekelela yonke imisebenzi yasebhange eyisisekelo kanye nezidingo ezithile zamakhasimende, anikeze yonke inhlobo yemikhiqizo yasebhange kanye ...
I-Titagarh Rail Systems isimemezele izinhlelo zokunwebeka ibe yimikhakha emibili yamabhizinisi ngaphandle kwemisebenzi yayo esemqoka kaloliwe. Lesi simemezelo senziwe ngemuva kokuphothulwa komhlangano ...