People believed patron gods protected them from harm. A Greek coin showing Pegasus and ... to look up at her to meet her eyes but with all his strength he kept his head turned away as Athena ...
Greek and Roman gods evoked fear, awe and envy. Their names now control trillions of dollars of your money. Janus, Apollo, ...
Nowadays, few people know that Hermione is a character in Homer's Odyssey. But what is her significance and role in Greek ...
During that time, which we call winter, Demeter grieves afresh. Often described as “the most Greek of all the gods,” Apollo was something of a Renaissance man. He entertained Olympus with his lyre, ...
all of which were believed to have human characteristics. Over the centuries, the movement of large numbers of people meant that gods from a variety of cultures, including Etruscan and Greek ...
Note that the list assumes that you will devote most of your effort to literary sources. If you wish to devote substantial time to art and archaeology as sources for myth and religion, you may discuss ...
Greek mythology is also an oven-ready “universe” of the kind that the TV streamers are all seeking, an endlessly fertile source of potential adaptations and spin-offs. Covell mentions Carol An ...
Forntite is about to launch its new Greek Mythology-themed season at the end of this week, and slowly (well, quickly) things are beginning to leak out about it in addition to the official teasers ...