Al­go­Ther­a­peu­tix’s top­i­cal non-opi­oid drug has flunked a mid-stage tri­al in chemother­a­py-in­duced pain due to a stronger-than-ex­pect­ed place­bo arm, but the com­pa­n ...
Who are QTS’s clients and what are their primary pain points in trading and algos? Our execution algorithm clients run the gamut: proprietary trading firms, banks and brokers, CTAs and hedge funds, ...
An NES emulator written in Swift for iOS / iPadOS / macOS / tvOS. The NES emulation code is heavily based off of fogleman's NES emulator in Go: ...
Anyone who sheds a tear or two at the mere mention of old games should definitely go through this list of the best NES emulators for Android and crank the nostalgia through the roof after downloading ...
Note: parameter resets for off-policy algorithms can be activated by passing a list of timesteps to the model constructor (ex: param_resets=[int(1e5), int(5e5)] to reset parameters and optimizers ...