MRCP(UK), FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Lond), FRCPCH(UK), FSLCPaed, FCCP, Hony. FRCPCH(UK), Hony. FCGP(SL) Specialist Consultant ...
Weed, obviously. But also a ton of innovation, some surprising ingredients, a dose of hucksterism—and a tradition on the ...
We rounded up the absolute best Irish whiskeys at every price point for you to enjoy on St. Patrick’s Day and beyond this ...
I have never seen our roads in worse shape than now ... a product no different from the barley in your beer or the tobacco in your pipe − a regulatory reform that allows Tennessee to control ...
If it’s an intense cannabis high you’re after, the best bongs are the quick and dirty way to go. Also known as “bubblers” or ...
On top of the table is a stack of black, brown, blue, and white geometric shapes—objects the artist identified as a pipe, a package of tobacco, and a pouch. Let’s turn now to the figure in the middle.
The data on the health effects from smoking cigarettes has been clear for decades. Today, tobacco use causes nearly 1 in 5 ...
Philip Morris (PM) wants to convert customers to heated tobacco products with a new launch in Texas. The tobacco company has ...
Most people know that smoking cigarettes is bad for their health, but did you know that other tobacco products like cigars, ...