The Office of Health Strategy shows improving financial measures at most CT hospital systems and hospitals, despite struggles ...
State health officials want to add more facilities for discharged state hospital patients who need support reentering their ...
A hearing is scheduled in Plymouth Superior Court Friday where Lindsay Clancy is being prosecuted for murdering her three ...
Since Mind Springs is a nonprofit, South Miami-based Larkin Health System can’t buy it the way it could a fellow for-profit ...
David Brock Smith (R-Port Orford) introduced a bill today that would appropriate state funding for Bay Area Hospital in Coos ...
The testimony employees were asked to pass along to the State Senate and Assembly suggests that Hochul’s changes "seem to be ...
Despite a long waitlist, the number of children served in the YES Waiver program has declined because of provider shortages.
Under a managed care arrangement, Medicaid MCOs determine the rates they pay providers for inpatient hospital services.
A Maryland Department of Health email obtained by The Baltimore Sun says testing and treatment for the Legionella bacteria ...
Cooper Manning joked that he spent a lot of time at Children's Hospital New Orleans with his son, Texas quarterback Arch ...
The agreement with state authorities came together after a proposed sale of the Pennsylvania hospitals to a nonprofit ...
A Burmese refugee with lung problems died after she was discharged from a U.S.-funded hospital on the Myanmar-Thai border ...