According to tabloid Ilta-Sanomat, the victim was 29-year-old former professional ice hockey player Janne Puhakka. Police ...
A British aviation magazine reported in August that Finnish Air Force Hornets would participate, marking Finland's first time ...
The weather will clear up in most parts of the country by the middle of the week. The school autumn break is expected to ...
Five universities train doctors in Finland. Currently, only the medical faculties at the universities of Helsinki and Turku ...
Environmental activists sprayed the Parliament with a red dye as a protest against Finland's involvement in the peat industry ...
The study found that 46 percent of children with immigrant backgrounds had been victims of at least one bullying incident, ...
Cheaper petrol and electricity contributed to an overall decrease in consumer prices last month, Statistics Finland said.
"It is alarming that working-age people in their prime are dying from liver diseases. The most common is fatty liver, which ...
Florida Panthersin suomalaiskiekkoilija Anton Lundell avasi maalitilinsä ryminällä joukkueensa NHL-kauden neljännessä ottelussa. Lundell, 23, teki kaksi maalia ja auttoi Floridaa kairaamaan ...
Ulkoministeri Elina Valtosen mukaan uudet Israelin vastaiset pakotteet voisivat kohdistua paitsi siirtokuntalaisia, myös maan ...
Mbappé seurueineen vietti Tukholmassa kaksi päivää. He muun muassa bilettävät Tukholman yöelämän keskuksessa Stureplanilla.
Sikke ja Riina käsittelevät päivän kolme klikatuinta juttua: Harrastuksesta voi tulla lapselle pakkopullaa ja osa kokee, että ...