Disruption** In a shocking revelation, it appears that elite colleges are reeling from the realization that many incoming students lack basic reading skills. This alarming trend ...
Chaos** Hezbollah's provocative actions during the holiest day in Judaism have not only reignited fears in Israel but also exposed the fragility of regional security amid ongoin ...
Controversial Court Ruling Raises Questions About Accountability in Violent Crimes** In a shocking case out of Las Vegas, a teenager charged with deliberately running down a ret ...
In a powerful show of unity and belief in American values, fifteen distinguished recipients of the Medal of Honor have publicly endorsed Donald J. Trump for president in the upcoming 2024 election.
Trudeau Faces Growing Rebellion** Pressure is mounting on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a faction of Liberal MPs pushes for a leadership chan ...
Desperation** In a striking display of political desperation, Kamala Harris’s campaign continues to flounder as she struggles to articulate a vision that resonates with voters ...
Climate Alarmism Exposed as Propaganda by Leading Scientist** In a bold statement that challenges the increasingly popular narrative on climate change, renowned MIT scientist Ri ...
Royce White Challenges Historical Narratives of World War II** In a bold declaration on Stephen K. Bannon’s War Room, Royce White, a Republican Senate candidate from Minnesota, has ignited an urgent ...
New Christian's Death Highlights Vietnam's Religious Oppression** A new wave of persecution against Christians in Vietnam has culminated in a tragic death th ...
Backfire: Tim Walz’s Baseless Attack on Trump Exposes His Own Lies** In a stunning display of political miscalculation, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s recent comments about D ...
In a bold declaration, comedian and actor Eddie Griffin has openly voiced his preference for Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, marking a significant shift in celebrity ...
Disastrous Performance Review Underscores Kamala Harris’ Leadership Failures** A recent performance review from Kamala Harris’ tenure as a civil lawyer in San Francisco reve ...